Last year, the unthinkable happened. It was a beautiful sunny day,Tuesday July 21st. 2009. Joe and I spent the day outside watching the hummingbirds feed from Joe's favorite red hanging feeder. Life at our house was very simple. it didn't take much to entertain us. We had each other for that. I was making the Novena to St. Ann in Scranton, Pa Joe couldn't come with me that night he was too weak. My husband of 36 years was very ill and on kidney dialysis. I told Joe, I'll stay home tonight, but he wouldn't hear of it, I'll be fine, see you when you get back. I felt comfortable leaving him home for a few hours while I went to pray. The next day all was well, I came home from work for lunch and Joe had the coffee and lunch all prepared for me. We had lunch together, I gave him his antibiotic and we made plans to attend the novena together on Thursday. He couldn't go Wednesday because he had dialysis from 8;30pm to 630 am every other day. I went back to work for a few hours, We were living on Joe's social security benefits and my income. I arrived home at 4;25pm . As I got out of my car I notice the back door of our house was opened. I thought our son left it open. As I continued to walk up Joe's handicapped ramp, I saw my entire world fall apart. There was my husband on the ground. There was nothing I could do this time to save him. He was gone. The fear took over my entire being. joe was my strength, My solemate!
I am writing this trying to see between my tears.
When my husband's death was reported to Social Security, I was told Joe's checks would now stop. In about 3 years I could apply for widows pension. I would receive 71% of my husbands benefits. Okay, I am dealing with my loss, I am dealing with my adult children, I am dealing with the reality that I am alone and responsible for my home, my car, a personal loan, for all of it.
Are you kidding me? My husband was forced to retire from his job due to his disability. He was only 47 years. old at the time. There was no opportunity for him to add to his pension. His life insurance premium was raised to 6,000 dollars a year!! No one wanted to insure Joe, he was disabled. You see, the widows of America are on their own, well, that can't be this is America!! My country. My son is a U.S Marine, our congressmen and senators couldn't possibly make this law. No, I must research this. I have many friends which I turned to to ask , do you know that a widow under the age of 60 can not collect their deceased husbands benefits? Most said what, that can't be true!! Guess what --it is true!!!
Now, I love politics, I love government law, Good government law, the laws that serve the people of America. Now there is a paragaph in the ss law that says, If a widow becomes disabled,example-emotiomally,physically or whatever she can collect her deceased husbands benefits at age 50. Do you realize how easy that would be for me to get myself diagnoised emotionally disabled!!! Real easy. I refuse to do that. I will not become a burden on the already burdened taxpayers of this country. I work 5 jobs now and I thank God everyday that I am physically able to. Guess what, it isn't enough to survive on. I have listened to every speech made about the problems that exist in our great country. I have heard about the seniors, the military, the poor, and on and on. I have never heard anything from anyone about the young widows in our country!! Why is that!!
Lets be realistic here, the Social Security laws are so complex that most legislatures don't even know them. Change ss laws,I don't ever see that happening. Something does need to be done for us though. We qualify for nothing,fuel assistance guide lines have gone so low that you almost have to be starving to get it. Tax rebates have to be paid on time to get it. Health care, if you work 5 jobs forget it! All these things are geared for seniors, that's when you are expected to die and only need one income, there's a good chance you live in a section 8 house or a high rise or some type of place other than your home. The home you worked so hard to have and keep. The day my husband died I lost his income, I now only get 1/3 of his retirement. Remember he had to retire at age 47. How much do you think there would be in there?
We are grieving,lonely,tired,frightened women. This government forces women to quit their jobs,sit home and go on welfare!! I can't and won't do that. I will struggle, probably lose my home before I hit the big 60 and get my 72% I want to know how this could be!! We are the mothers of our military, the caregivers of the sick,the voters and most important the persuers! I will not give up my plea to our congressmen and senators.. Notice us!! Remember us!! Acknowledge Us. Help us to keep our dignity, and to keep our home fires burning, even if the fires are admired alone.
Marlene, this can happen to anyone of us, today, tomorrow or the next. There should be some kind of benefit to help all of you.